Wednesday, March 28, 2007

DVD cover

This is the final of one of my first assignments here in Rotterdam. We had to design a DVD cover for this movie which was basically this film of a Rue Goldberg like machine that was in this large warehouse and was created by two Swiss artists, Peter Fischili and David Weiss. It felt like this long neverending line of action and reaction with different materials such as gasoline, soap, tires, wood, all sorts of things. I was thinking about changing the title back to the German title. Im not sure yet.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dutch Letters

The first eight weeks that I will be studying at WdKA I am allowed to take a few workshops and one of them is with the Dutch Letter Press. Its the old fashioned way of printing type. It's fabulous because I can do pretty much whatever I want.
Above are the only two good ones that came out of my first series of prints. Originally I wanted them all to be like the bottom one, which the NO was done by doing what is called blind printing but for some reason the first NO started move towards the left. My teacher and I could not figure it out so we decided to stamp the NO with some white paint. I am really proud of both of them and I am excited to work more with this way of printing.

Thursday, March 1, 2007


Some sketches I did last semester when I should have been working on character development, but I really was not in the mood.